Monday, October 20, 2008

10.22 "The Science of Shopping"

1. The points from the article that I think are most important include the idea of a the stores working to please the consumer. It is also important to understand facts about the consumer that they themselves are not aware of. Observation is a powerful tool that can be used to analyze the shopper. Different types of stores are displaying very different messages but they all have the same purpose of making as many sales as possible.

2. I would say I am quite influenced by the store design. I think I am personally influence by the type of image the stores try to give off. Depending on the image the store is trying to give off probably influences whether or not I enter the store. I like stores that limit the amount of pushy salespeople. I find stores with quieter and less distracting music are better. I also like stores that are adequately lit and aren’t dark and cave like. I am also drawn to stores with less clutter and more streamlined design. I think like any element of design there is more that affects us than we are aware of. I mean I have no recognition of why I enter a store I have never been in before for the first time.

3. Checklist
-Space between clothes racks
- Easy access entrance
-Appropriate music
-Adequate lighting
-Well placed accessories
-Alluring use of window display
- Lighter colors
- Cash register in back

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